Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Performance review

Yesterday was one of those rare and fortunate days when I felt on top of everything. Had an excellent morning at my new job, if I do say so myself. Had a very productive and comfortable chat with my new manuscript editor in the afternoon. And, by evening, I secured a fab commentator for a conference panel proposal that was really coming down to the wire.

Today is yesterday's antipode. I'm in a completely lackadaisical mood, probably because sleep was so evasive last night. Instead of doing work this morning, I instead ran around town doing petty errands. Then I dozed on the couch. And then I contemplated, but could not find energy to clean, our messy house.

My procrastination was rewarded when I further put off work by driving Adam to the dentist's office. He was having a couple of teeth drilled, and so I said I would sit and read in the waiting room for moral support. Ours is one of those awesome dentists who offer hand massages and paraffin dips before a treatment. Because Adam declined his, the dentist's assistant insisted on doing my hands instead. (How unfair is that? While Adam was getting shots in the gums, I was being pampered by a very nice lady who shared many amusing stories about her son.)

So now it's closing in on 4 p.m., and my soft, sweet-smelling hands have yet to do anything much today aside apart from petting the cats and writing this blog entry. I think the baby may be having a more active day than I. Incidentally, he seems to have dropped a little lower since yesterday...


At 6:39 PM, Blogger jo(e) said...

A dentist who offers hand massages?


I need to a new dentist.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I share jo(e)'s envy. My dentist is nice and all, but no massage offers yet.

I think that a productive day followed by a lazy day can be a fine schedule, if the lazy day is then in turn followed by another productive day.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger YelloCello said...

The first time we went to this dentist, I was very, VERY surprised by the hand massage. Although the massage is intended to soothe nervous patients, I actually became slightly more nervous about the absolutely enormous bill I was sure we would be paying on the way out. But no -- our health insurance covered all the costs of the once-yearly visit. Given Adam's recent mouth troubles, however, the dentist has since made plenty of money off us. And now we like her too much to go anyplace else.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wish my dentist offered hand massages! I've been there 2x a week in the month of January!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Well, here is how my review went. It's year end 2005 close of billing. I went for my review very excited because it was a productive year…it went very well. I received most of 3.5 out of a possible 4. I got a 2.5 for not walking around interacting with others. I did not mind but pointed out the only reason why was because I am always busy. I guess busy and producing was not enough. I have been working at IREP for 2 years with out evening asking for a raise. Now when it was due without question I was told that my position is faze out.

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